Everything about duration and structure of Advanced Placements exams

Everything about duration and structure of Advanced Placements exams


Are you going to appear for AP tests this year? Or maybe planning for one in your future? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then this guide will help you have a better insight into these questions.

In this article we would be dealing with the duration and structure about the various AP exams, plus that, we would also be giving some tips about how to tackle the pressure that you may be presented with those Advanced Placements Tests.

Taking the AP courses/ classes, along with your high school may be some of the most difficult times for you, but if you have an expert at hand to advice you through all this, then things can turn out to be quite great for you. You might be seeing yourself into some of the most prestigious colleges abroad.


All of the tests are about two to three hours long, with a break in between; separating the exam into two main sections. In most of the exams, there is a multiple choice section in the starting, and after the break there is a free- response section. Difficulty and time allotted to each of the sections is different in about all the exams.

The following table will show you the exact time allotted for each of the AP exam you are intending to take:

Advanced Placements testAllotted time
Art History3 hours
Biology3 hours
Calculus AB3 hours 15 minutes
Calculus BC3 hours 15 minutes
Chemistry3 hours 15 minutes
Computer Science A3 hours
Computer Science Principles2 hours
Environmental Science3 hours
Chinese Language and Culture2 hours 15 minutes
Comparative Government and Politics2 hours 25 minutes
German Language and Culture3 hours
Human Geography2 hours 15 minutes
Italian Language and Culture3 hours
Macroeconomics2 hours 10 minutes
Microeconomics2 hours 10 minutes
Music Theory2 hours 40 minutes
English Language and Composition3 hours 15 minutes
English Literature and Composition3 hours
Physics 1: Algebra-Based3 hours
Physics 2: Algebra-Based3 hours
Japanese Language and Culture2 hours 15 minutes
Latin3 hours
Spanish Literature and Culture3 hours
Statistics3 hours
US Government and Politics2 hours 25 minutes
US History3 hours 15 minutes
World History3 hours 15 minutes

In general, for the humanities subjects, the free- response section is longer. Both the sections for each of these exams have a different amount of pressure for the individuals.  We would be discussing about some of them here:


Both the literature and the language exams take about one hour to work the 55 multiple choice questions, and two hours for the free-response section where you would be working for three essays. The essay part will require you to work on the essay outline, and constructing the essay, and then proofreading it for any mistakes. The fatigue of writing two hours straight can get onto your nerves sometimes.


While the AP social studies exams are more easier than the AP English exams, care has to be taken to ensure that you don’t do silly mistakes because you would be having less time and hence would have to be fast.

US Government exam has 60 multiple choice questions to be answered in 45 minutes, and 100 minutes for four free-response questions (25 minutes per response).

AP Psychology has 100 multiple-choice questions in 70 minutes, and two free response questions to be answered within 50 minutes.

World History asks two parts for section 1 and two parts for section 2. The first part of section 1 has 55 multiple choice questions that are to be answered in 55 minutes. The second part is short answer based where 3 questions are to be answered within 40 minutes.

The second section has 1 document based question that has to answered in 60 minutes (15 minutes are given for reading). And a long essay based question for the second part that has to be answered in 40 minutes.

US History ask 55 questions in 55 minutes  for the multiple choice section and requires three short-response answers to be answered in 40 minutes, and a 60 minute DBQ (Document-Based Question) and a 40 minute essay question.

Here, you must be quick through the organizing stage to have quickly draft and editing your responses.


For AP Calculus AB, the most popular AP math test, you need to solve 30 multiple-choice questions in 60 minutes without calculator, followed with 15 questions to be answered in 45 minutes with a calculator. While this is more time as compared to the humanities tests above, they are more difficult and require more time per question.

Both AB Calculus and AP Statistics give you 90 minutes to answer six questions, or about a quarter-hour per question for the free response section. For the statistics section, you have to present the written explanation which makes it even more harder to complete within the stipulated time.


In AP Chemistry there are 60 multiple-choice questions to be answered in 90 minutes and105 minutes for seven free response questions.

AP Biology has 63 multiple-choice questions and six grid-in questions to be answered in 90 minutes, and 90 minutes for eight response based questions.

There is less time per response, and the section lasts for nearly two hours leaving you more fatigued after the first hour.


After reading about the most popular exams on the list, you might have figured out the associated fatigue and stress. And dealing with it can be quite easy if you follow the following things regularly:


While we may be looking at a ton of practice, the students must remember they have to practice regularly and gradually with time. Taking mock tests in time bound conditions regularly will help you in building the pace for the exam, and would also build your stamina to cope up with the associated fatigue.


In the multiple-choice section you have to be quick in your response because you would be answering hundreds of questions. You might be taking it around 8 a.m.(unless you have an afternoon slot).

Practicing multiple-choice sections is very important, so that you know the difficulty level well in advance. Some pre-runs of sample problems on the exam morning well before the exam will help you at not being disoriented when you begin reading.


You have to have a strategy while taking the exams. Keeping in consideration your strong and weak points, you will be well prepared in advanced as to score better. You should follow a strategy such that you can cover your weak points by your strong points. And for figuring this out some previous papers might be helpful.


Have a good night sleep and a healthy breakfast before the exam, because that might be helpful in keeping you organized. Even more so because most of these exams happen early in the morning at around 8 am.

You can bring some snacks with you, and can eat something at regular intervals. Taking coffee during the exam will help you to be alert, and would keep the ideas flowing that are needed for the essay parts.

Lastly, remember to check the exam schedules, as that comes early in the year.

Go through our explanatory guide on AP Exams if you think taking AP exams classes will be good for you.

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Rupali Sharma

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