Why should you always dream for Ivy Leagues?

Why should you always dream for Ivy Leagues?

Why should you always dream for Ivy Leagues?

Ivy League, established in 1954 is an American collegiate athletic conference comprising eight private universities in the north-eastern United States. All eight universities are at the top 17 of the 2020. The Ivy League schools are considered as some of the most prestigious universities of the world. The eight Ivy League universities are namely- Harvard University (Massachusetts) , Yale University (Connecticut), Princeton University (New Jersey), Columbia University (New York), Brown University (Rhode Island), Dartmouth College (New Hampshire), University of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania) and lastly, Cornell University (New York). Since a long time these Ivy League schools and colleges have gained worldwide reputation for producing graduates with high academic performances, social prestige and bright future career. The Ivy League is the dream of many young students. 



The reputation and position that it holds is enough to say about these schools and why one should dream for it. Here in this article of EduQuest, we have discussed “Why should you always dream for Ivy Leagues?” in the following points:

Student Oriented: The best part of Ivy League is that it is highly student oriented and wishes to bring a change in the world. It helps and shapes the professional career of the students. However it’s not easy to get into these institutions. It looks for students those are all rounded counting from academics, personality to co-curricular activities. Most of the student’s dream to study in Ivy League is not fulfilled due to their difficult admission selection process. Only a few are able to get into it, but those selected students receive the best of education that compensates to all the hard work they did to get into it.

Extracurricular activities: Ivy Leagues not just gives importance to academics but also knows the importance of co-curricular activities. There are several clubs that students can join as per their interest. Ivy League looks for over all development of its students. The students get so many advantages are the very reason why one should dream for Ivy Leagues.

Alumni Network: One of the most important perks of being into Ivy Leagues is its alumni network. This alumni network means the chain of graduate from the same university. After graduating from these schools the student is not only equipped with a world class education, but also become a part of the elite class of graduate that helps them seize opportunities. The name of being under Ivy League is all that requires joining alumni’s together. From the very freshman students get the advantage of being into Ivy League and that’s the reason why you should dream for Ivy Leagues.

Direct access to resources: These universities maintain a very tough selection process both for professors and students. However it also means that the best of the best gets into Ivy League. The professors are brilliant individuals and the students who get to study under them get the best handpicked resources. Students get direct access to brilliant professors, researchers and academics. Ivy League gives great emphasis to the quality of education. The professors maintain the quality of teachings and looks for their students in every possible way. The quality of the education is something that cannot be compared to any other university and that make Ivy Leagues a dream for students.

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Job: A graduate from Ivy League is well paid than an average graduate from other universities. The name and reputation is enough for an Ivy League graduate to seize a job. An Ivy League degree is of great value while sitting for a job interview. In the 2019 Global University Employability Ranking, half of the top ten slots were taken by Ivy League universities. The reputation of the Ivy league directly depicts the quality of their students which no one can doubt about.

Experience: Being in an Ivy League means the student is surrounded by a brilliant students and faculty leading to an enriching academic and social experience for all the students. With access to direct resources to the variety of students who have unique personality to learn new things every day. All the students will have a terrific experience throughout the league journey.


Refer to the following points to know how aiming for high is good for students:

  • One of the important factors of aiming for high is good for students is because of their high aims their dreams start inspiring and motivating them in every aspect of life.
  • Another important factor of aiming for high is good for student is because they start thinking differently and unique from others which enhance their creativity and skill set.
  • The third important factor of aiming for high is good for student is because of the high aims they want to improve, learn and come out of their comfort zone to experience growth in life.
  • The next reason how aiming for high is good for student is that they start discovering opportunities in every field.
  • Another reason of how aiming for high is good for student is that they learn and cherish their experiences whether it is success or failure in life.

Though it’s very tough to get into an Ivy League, but the perks that it have cannot be denied. It has a very strict and high standard selection process and the best students can only get into it. The universities have maintained their standard in terms of their education and the results brought by the students. It gives importance to all round development of the students. Not just academics but also looks for extracurricular activities. That’s the very reason Why should you always dream for Ivy Leagues.


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Rupali Sharma

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