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College application deadlines (UG) you need to know


College application deadlines (UG) you need to know

Students are so excited in the thought of attending college, and it’s important to be cautious and keeping your papers ready, sometimes they missed their college application deadlines. The entire process for applying is quite lengthy and takes several months or years. So, students need to be well organized and don’t wait for the last minute to fill application details. Every college has its own schedule, many use similar deadlines for admission decisions and college deadlines. 

Explore this guide to take an overview of college application deadlines and know-how to track them all.

College application deadlines

When you are applying for colleges in us you may get many options for applying like early action (EA), early decision (ED), regular decision (RD) and rolling admissions (RA). While preparing to apply you should carefully research each school’s policy. You should be noted every rule and regulation before you should fill the application form because these rules you have to follow once you get admitted in the school. The first 3 options have deadlines while the other has a range of time within the student can apply. 



Early action

Early action college application deadlines mainly form between 1 November to 15 November. In early actions, Your application will be considered before students apply for regular decision. Some schools Georgetown, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale come with certain restrictions like limit students’ ability to apply to other colleges during the early action phase. As a result, those students who apply to these institutions during an early action don’t apply to any other schools in the early action.

School Deadlines
Stanford 1 November
University of Notre Dame 1 November
Villanova 1 November
UNC Chapel Hill 15 October
Georgetown 1 November
Harvard 1 November
MIT 1 November
University of Michigan 1 November
Princeton 1 November
CalTech 1 November

Early decision

Early decision is the most restrictive type of admission process. Students are barred from applying for other schools until their submitted application is accepted or rejected. Students need to be committed to attending the school if their application is accepted. Also, it is a wise decision to explore how financial aid works at a particular school before applying for an early decision. Here, college application deadlines mostly fall between 1 November to 15 November. Some Schools push their application deadlines some months forward that is known as Early decision 2. 

School Early Decision Deadlines 1 Early Decision Deadlines 2
American University 15 November 15 January
Boston College 15 November 15 January
Boston University 1 November 6 January
Columbia 1 November N/A
Cornell 1 November N/A
Duke 1 November N/A
Johns Hopkins 1 November N/A
New York University 1 November 1 January
University of Chicago 1 November 2 January
Villanova 1 November N/A
Wellesley 1 November 1 January

Regular decisions

The most common type of college application is regular decision. College usually sets the deadlines between 1 January to 15 January. While some schools use other due dates earlier than the majority of schools. So, many students accidentally miss the deadlines as they are not aware of it. If the student miss the due date then it may be impossible to experience the college before the spring semester. 

School Deadlines
American University 15 January
Boston College 1 January
Boston University 6 January
Columbia 1 January
Cornell 2 January
Duke 2 January
Georgetown 10 January
Johns Hopkins 2 January
MIT 1 January
New York University 1 January
Stanford 2 January
University of Chicago 2 January
Villanova 15 January
Wellesley 15 January

Rolling admissions

Rolling admission is a bit different from the other three options. Students need to apply within a given window of time. This period of time ranges from fall to the spring. For example, if a school opens its window from 1 September and it reviews submission on first come first serve basis. When their seats full it closes its application before any prior notification. 

How to track college application deadlines?

You might be lucky and find that most deadlines are fall in the month of November to January. Your college application deadlines help you know how much time you have to prepare for SAT. Make a list that involves all the schools you applied or applying in the future with their application start and end date.

We in EduQuest, keep the process very transparent and dedicated, knowledgeable team takes care of doing things meticulously.

Early start keeps the things happening at a right time and students are able to focus on school activities without taking unnecessary tension of losing on deadlines or compromising on quality of Essay/supplement essays.

It is a moral responsibility of admission counselor to educate a parent about admission process and AGENTS in market keep them confused with fancy words and citing process as complicated one, when it’s not complicated that much. Every college has clear instructions to follow and in case of any doubts, you can mail them so they reply back within 2-3 days.

Point of awareness for parents – How agents do application

  1. They have their own portal for applying as universities need to know from which agent application is been submitted so that they can give commission to those particular agents.
  2. They will never take required care of quality of LORs, counselor essays (details of referee) and supplementary essays.
  3. They go to the extent of sending papers by courier, surprisingly when uploading option is there in each and every university website. (forget about common app, coalition app, ukas etc)
  4. They take extra charges for “PREMIUM” University and for their popular courses as this is a place where their agent charges are not involved (quite obvious owning to competition), here also they will start promising about scholarship for particular universities( when universities themselves do not know about how much scholarship they will give to any particular student), As a lot of top universities around the world do not have Agents
  5. Now a day, many agents have started claiming that they don’t have any partnership with any university but when it comes to applying, they apply through their own agent portal.

Identifying universities according to student’s career aspiration and parent’s parameters is not a rocket science.  

Common app etc has a link so that you can track your application.

So please awareness about these facts can keep your money spent on right things.

Now the Question is that where counseling services can add value – it’s about the right direction and writing good essays. As student does this work of writing first drafts so does the application fees in EduQuest.

Agents are paid a commission by universities for each student. The result of this is that Agents often do not recommend universities to students that do not pay them a commission. It is very possible that an Agent pushes you to join a university that might not be ideal for you, only because they are paid by that university.

On the other hand, Consultants charge a fee from the student for their services and are not paid by any university. As a result of this, Consultants tend to provide more honest and unbiased recommendations of universities and programs to students as they are not dependent on any particular university for their professional existence.

The main objective of an Agent is to fill a seat at a particular university by convincing a student to join that university whereas the main objective of a Consultant is to ensure client satisfaction by suggesting what is best for the student.

EduQuest are admission consultants but here parents need to keep a check and understand the thin line as discussed in this post.

 It is ideal that you go through a Consultant for good universities. Consultants will use their previous experiences of overlooking applications to assess whether you stand a genuine chance of getting in, and will also suggest other options if need be.

By – Nitin Kapoor


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