The holiday is the season which is enjoyed and waited by every student. This is a season where you spend time with your family and friends. On one side where you take full advantage of your holiday season, there are some people for whom this season can be difficult and not happy as yours. For students who aspire to get admission to a prestigious college for their higher education, this season is the best to involve themselves in community service and help those who are in need. In this short break, you can provide other people with joy, laughter, and things that they need the most.
Now some students can argue that why should they spend helping others when they can relax by themselves and the answer to that question is personal growth and satisfaction. Amidst all the stress of education and school, students get very little time to focus on their personality and growth which they can cover up during their break time. You can use this year to give back to your local community and also work on your skills and develop your overall personality.
Several organizations, small groups, and even schools conduct drives and projects during holidays to help those in the community who are not very much flourished. You can participate and volunteer in those services and put your skills to the best use to make the community better. You can also involve your family in this volunteerism because many people think that donating to the underprivileged group is the only way in which they can serve their community but in reality, there are several other ways in which they can put their holiday time to make other lives happy.
Following are such ideas given below in this article of EduQuest through which you can take up a community service during holidays
- Visit places to look for opportunities
Opportunities for community service do not come at your doorstep. To be an asset in your community you have to visit places, organizations, and community centers that conduct services to help others to get information regarding the vacancy in any of their services. Several organizations work on getting donations for underprivileged people for food, education, health, medicine, etc but there are chances that some of the donations do not fill up in comparison to others. In that case, you can always take up the responsibility of bringing in more donations by informing people about those organizations and asking them to donate even a penny, by making posters and preaching to people about it. You can also take help and involve your friends and families in this drive. This is one of the easiest community services that students can involve themselves in and it helps the poor background people tremendously.
- Use your skills to make other happy
When students involve themselves in a community service that is related to their passion and interest they are more likely to help effectively and happily. Therefore, it is recommended for them to volunteer for a service that is not only meant for others but is also valuable for their growth. You can always use your skills in community service by putting up a show at a community center, old age homes, homeless shelters, animal shelters, and other organizations such as hospitals, etc. Holidays are all about spreading Joy among people and there is no other best way apart from singing songs, reciting poems, dancing, telling short stories to other people. You can take up such community services as per your interest and spread happiness in your local community during the break time.
- Conduct a donation drive of things
If you are not able to be a part of an organization that provides service to your community then what you can do is that you can conduct a small drive in which people can donate things like food toys books clothes for underprivileged people. Even if you cannot conduct a drive yourself you can also donate the stuff that you don’t use and rather than just throwing them out you can always donate them to people who are in urgent need of them. Another way to conduct a donation drive is to set up a fundraising program where people can donate money in exchange for things that you are offering them to buy this is one of the most selfless deeds that you can do during your holiday time and you can also involve others to spread happiness in the lives of other people.
- Spread love far away
One of the saddest things about the holidays is when people cannot visit their family during this time. people who live in other countries or are far away due to a national commitment like soldiers, doctors, and other officials miss a lot on their holidays. There are several organizations and projects under the government where you can send messages and things to soldiers and people who are on official duty in the country. You can send them greeting cards with personalized messages and can make them smile when they must be the most depressed. You can also try to connect children who live apart from their parents by sending letters on their behalf and much more.
- Help a family
Some families are not financially strong and may fail to afford Christmas gifts or even general necessities for their children, family, and relatives. On holidays you can sponsor them and can bike gifts and other things for them. Many organizations provide help to families who are underprivileged by providing educational funds necessary and other help in which you can volunteer during your holiday period.
- Serve food to people.
As it is believed a happy stomach makes a happy person and there are several community centers and Shelters that work based on this principle and are always in need of participants who can volunteer during the time of their food service. You can volunteer to serve food to people during the time of breakfast, lunch, and dinner in which all you have to do is spend at least three to four hours and help in the preparation of food, setting it on the table and then serving it to people. Another way is to cook extra for people who cannot afford food for themselves. For this community service, you don’t have to be a part of some organization; you can do this at your home as well. In this, all you have to do is to cook an extra amount of food and then serve it to people whom you find less fortunate.
- Volunteer for life and livelihood
This is the last idea that we want to discuss in this article and it is one of the most important and valuable community services that students can take up during their holidays. You can volunteer in hospitals involving taking care of patients and you can also help people build their houses with some construction organization. Many organizations are not hardcore construction organizations but help those who have got their house ruined in some natural calamity and they cannot afford to hire professional help in such cases you can help them rebuild their home and make their life better again.
Holidays are one such season where many organizations look for volunteers as it is a season of joy and also offering help to others. So students should start looking for community service opportunities before the start of their holidays to make the best use of their break time. This is one of the best times where students can help others because they don’t have the stress of school preparation for the SAT and other things. Therefore, they can invest their time and efforts fully in community service. We have compiled a few ideas for you after doing our research through which you can make the best of your holidays by participating in community service and to have an experience where you learn to grow yourself, have empathy towards others and you also learn skills like management, spontaneity and critical thinking.