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SAT Coaching in Ahmedabad

Dear all learners

Dear All Learners,

It is no wonder to us that you all possess a mind that is indeed sharp and stuffed with enough logic. Therefore, keeping this in our mind, we are here to have a conversation with all the learners out there while respecting their perspective as well as the style of their learning.

If anyone is down for taking up mentoring others, as their profession, it should be their priority to get a complete understanding of the position of the student in the current learning graph. The learning system of the mentors needs to be adaptive enough for the students to learn quickly. The system should have the functionality to get it adapted to the student’s potential ability. Only through this way, development can be assured.

Let us now see all the defined levels of teaching incorporated by our experts. It has got three levels of understanding and application which yields real-life-based results. You can go through the three steps enlisted below.

  1. The clarity in Conception: Understanding is the most important step that one needs to follow while putting themselves in the shoes of a mentor. There should be clearance in every concept. There should be proper reasoning skills that should be imbibed with enough logic.
  2. Application: Shifting to the next step of applying the knowledge that you have acquired as your initial steps. Application in a real-life situation ensures your skills have the professional potential to cope with anything that comes in front of you. The main aim of this step is to focus on achieving a consistent accuracy which is nothing less than 100%.
  3. Efficiency: Now that you know how many skills you have, you can jump into testing yourself by keeping a situation that needs to race with the time restrictions. Abide yourself a limited time and see how much pace you can keep up throughout your work.

We introduce you to our Eduquest SAT Coaching inAhmedabad. As of now, we have already gathered experience with a few of the competitive subjects. They are namely, PSAT/SAT/ACT/AP/Subject wise Tests/ Tuition Classes for all the board/ Olympiads in Delhi. We have both the facility of providing live online interactive virtual classes for SAT coaching in Ahmedabad and Delhi as well as classroom-based physical classes for SAT coaching in Ahmedabad and Delhi. We are functionally based in Ahmedabad but operate in a few other places too.

It is since 1995 that we have been into the service of providing SAT coaching in Ahmedabad from EduQuest. The service that we have already mentioned earlier has been selectively chosen subjects. They are PSAT/SAT/ACT/AP/Subject Test/Tuition class for any board/Olympiad’s solutions. Our venture of providing SAT coaching in Ahmedabad includes providing proper training to all the level of students, starting from the weaker one to even the stringer ones. We have a specialized “Diagnostic Test Framework” which is one of the most adaptive models in function. The main aim of this model is to ensure a customized designed model for every individual opting for our SAT coaching in Ahmedabad from EduQuest. That model will also help in preparing for any target-based examination. With these models, students can choose from both the “Online Live” and the “Classroom Sessions”. All the students that we have mentored by our experts from SAT coaching in Ahmedabad, until now, have successfully produced pretty good results. Our service also includes giving out advice on writing any application, and also we help them to choose the right colleges, universities as well as institutions along with end-to-end services. You can also opt for virtual online classes which are done live as well as AP online lives classes in Delhi from SAT coaching in Ahmedabad.

Our institution has already been invited by a few schools to hold and conduct seminars as well as hold a career counseling session for their students. During the time of the above, we have been proudly honored in the school premise as an institute aiming to guide students for the ACT/ SAT coaching in Ahmedabad. We have an exclusive program that is commonly known as a 360-degrees approach program. With our 360-degree approach program, we have been collaborating with a few prestigious schools in Delhi/ NCR. We also provide full-term mentorship programs designed for the students. These programs include preparation for various examinations such as :

• Any board – IB, IGSCE, ICSE, ISC, CBSE
• AP

• Board exam assistance.
• Olympiad and NTSE
• Application end to end support

Career Counselling

One of the most delicate processes to handle the psychology of the student and make them career-oriented is this career counseling. However, being a very sensitive way of conduct, there are a lot of risks lingering throughout the process. In case anything is not done in the right way, while the process is undergoing, it can cause a mess. The career-life of the individual can go at a stake if the ethics and norms of counseling are not followed while the counseling is done. 

There are a few factors included in the influence of the career development of any individual. It has your interests, abilities, values, background, personality as well as circumstances. In this way, you will be able to identify yourself as well as your abilities. You will also get to know the world of workaround yourself to make educational, career, and life-related decisions.

However, when we are talking about career counseling, we do not only denote the decision-making ability of a major student who would be choosing the right job for himself. Rather we focus on an even more detailed structure of life. As we believe that life changes are inevitable. Various fields will bring in changes. Such as technology, environment, social, political, cultural as well as economic changes. These factors will determine and influence a few of the changes brought in the interest and priorities in life. It is not only about focusing on your present decisions. Rather it ensures that you possess enough skills, knowledge, and the right attitude, so you can place yourself to make the right decision in your future career and in life. We, in our SAT coaching in Ahmedabad from EduQuest, include a series of Psychometric tests and discussions with the students to proceed with the process of career counseling.

Career Counselling 1

Development in Personality

Considering that you have the idea about self-awareness, we would like to add one of the most important lines that are not pretty much known to a lot of people out there. It is that the better self-awareness you have, the better life decisions you will be making. This becomes the primary aim of our SAT coaching in Ahmedabad from EduQuest.

We focus on a definite goal with our sessions that generally revolve around every individual student. This enables their inner as well as outer personality to grow stronger. In this way, they will be able to see through any given circumstances in from of them.

Having a smart look, social etiquette, or even the ability to speak impressive words to others cannot be termed as the development in personality. It is mainly about the maturity level of the individual that makes them emotionally and mentally stronger. So, that individual cannot be shaken off their goals be it any situation they are in. Hopelessness and nervousness will never get a vent to kick in if there is any failure. It is also another thing that one needs to keep in mind that all the standard requirements that a student needs to meet throughout their graduating years, need to be worked on every minute detail.

For SAT Coaching in Ahmedabad from EduQuest, we provide the ultimate preparation for the student that includes international-level best practices. Also, we believe this is a customized program that is going to benefit them by supporting them for a longer-term. The benefits that we are talking about include:

  • Boosting enthusiasm and building their core confidence.
  • Ensuring they have a passionate outlook on life.
  • Incorporating positivity in thoughts as well as in action.

SAT Coaching in Ahmedabad focuses on the development of one’s personality which is a medium of improvement from all the realms in an individual’s life. We have designed the entire program as per the needs of the student’s requirements. We will continue with the program throughout the studies.

personality development 1


We ensure all the students get the 360-degree approach program. This program includes customized preparation for all the examinations as well as the soft aspect of the individual. These are namely, Personality Development, prominent skills to debate, Moral Evaluation, skills to present, and Etiquette.

Out SAT coaching in Ahmedabad course initiates from the elementary level. This is to ensure that each candidate feels comfortable with the syllabus provided from our end. We multiply the speed of comfort level as we increase it to a higher level with a set of regular tests.

We provide classes that have been customized according to the needs o the student. Also, our tests are personalized too.

Quick Results: While taking the test at the final stage, the individuals can ask for the Generation of Test. In this way they can determine the topic they want to choose, the difficulty level, the number of questions they want to get, and all their skills will be tested according to their choice. In this way, we can directly target the areas that need improvement for the student.

Extra Support from Experts: We provide all our student's textbooks and videos for all the extra classes. They are conducted via online live and interactive classes. Also, there are unlimited classes for doubt clearance sessions. Students can get access to one of the best materials to prepare for the tests.

There will be 600 questions at each level. Also, we in SAT coaching in Ahmedabad provide more than 10,000 practice paper sets for more than a dozen of levels.

There will be classes provided from our end which will culminate to more than 100 hours. Students can also get access to free repeat classes if they want to take on any subject, that too, for n number of times.


We are mainly focusing on week points majorly. We will be working dedicative on the same. We will ensure that students get to feel like coming and taking the classes even for SAT coaching in Ahmedabad. It is because the courses have been planned according to the needs them. It will always be inspired and motivated enough to pace up with the ability of the student and bring the best out of them.

Our school for SAT coaching in Ahmedabad will include all year programs. There we will be training the students to prepare for competitive exams which will conclude in guaranteed results.

We aim to set realistic questions for every exam. Our experts have successfully crafted the practice question papers and have been made as relevant as possible with multiple edits.

Complete Mentorship programmes in ahmedabad at a Glance

programs 1


36-degree approach 

Diagnostic Framework

At our SAT coaching in Ahmedabad, students get to be evaluated at every single step. The module will be designed according to the area of need for every student. Therefore, all through the process the mapping and grading are being done continuously.

Main features of our course
  1. We provide SAT coaching in Ahmedabad with a prepared roadmap available for every student.
  2. “Improvement ladder” is being marked with step-by-step pattern for every sheet of the students.
  3. The preparations are donebased on the module.
  4. Assessments are done according to every Also, we provide special attention to students who need areas to improve.
  5. Only after the students reach their potential, then only we get to end the course.
  6. Online test-based artificial intelligence is also conducted from our end.
  7. Also, we have the facility of generating tests as per the needs of the students.
  8. SAT coaching in Ahmedabad incorporates the “Adaptive model” which has been a tried and tested one. It works on a “Diagnostic test framework”. This module helps to ensure that the students get to assess themselves continuously which will bring continuity in improvement.
  9. We also focus on the rigorous phase for taking examinations.
  10. We will be providing the students with all the books and all the study materials from EduQuest.

Also here are a few steps for you to follow.


There will be a week separately hold for the analysis class for the students. Then it is going to be followed up by a group as well as individual warm-up test. It willbe essentiallyanalyzing from our end. Subjective and objective approach will be adopted.


The warm-up and the mapping test both will help us to evaluate better modules for each student. The module design will exclusively follow the areas were the student needs improvement.


We aim at identifying all the gapping areas in a student's profile and therefore we also provide a session that is based on one-on-one classes. It is doneto pay special attention to the week areas of the students. We have customized groups of courses for SAT coaching in Ahmedabad which are made according to the needs of the students. The groups that we follow are:
Platinum – This one is fast-paced and provided a group of 1300 – 1500 individuals. Gold – This one is a bit slower, so it is medium paced and is done in a group of 1100- 1300+ individuals. Silver – This one is slow-paced and is done in a group of 800 – 1100+ individuals. Since we are solely focused on making every student get a score above 1500, we offer sessions that are unlimited for them. The minimum time for the training will be 90 hours.


Students can also request for the Generation of Test. In this one, every candidate is entitled to determine the number of questions they want to solve. Also, they can decide on the level of difficulty and the topic of concern.


Full-Length test paper- There will be at least 15 tests that need to be attempted by the student. There are already like 5000 papers that we can provide like this from our side in SAT coaching in Ahmedabad.


There will be test taken on profile assessment, career counseling sessions as well as psychometric tests. We will be sharing all the reports with the parents.


We also work on profile building activities if we notice any gap in the process.


We also conduct profile matching with each student with the respective colleges. We do these while keeping in mind the profile as well as the interest of the students.


Also, we will be guiding the writing of SOPs, LOR, and Essays for each student.


We also train in the Scholarship Application writing done by each student.


Admission Process Knowledge

We have developed an in-depth understanding of the way international admissions take place. Also, we focus on the way the schools enable gathering insights. This was possible with all the years we have devoted to the experienced that we have gathered. This works as an asset to bridge the gaps n the cultural aspects in both directionslaid out between international institutions and the applications provided.


Personalized Counselling

It is an obvious fact, not everyone processes in the same way. Every individual has a different level of understanding. There will be a unique profile for each person with unique goals as well as strengths. We help the candidates to identify the options available. Also, they discover their potential while with the confidence they can be expressing their individuality.


Approach Is Team-Based

We have dedicated consultants provided for each applicant. As an add-on, we also have them get a large number of supporting teams. Their basic work includes essay writing, resume building, and interview specialists. With the help of technology to streamline the process,we try to make work seamless with the candidates. It is done irrespective of the geographical location of the individuals.


Leverage in Technology

Technology has been used by our side to collect data, inculcate insights while helping the clients to take better and informed decisions. It is because of the technology that enables us to streamline the process as well as work seamlessly with every individual regardless of their locations.

Online Test – PSAT Test, SAT Test, SAT II Test, AP Test

We also have onboard a series of tests for every student which will be based on Artificial Intelligence.

You can also consider this as an ultimate gift that will have unique questions as well as proven strategies that will push you to kick start your preparation.

In EduQuest, we offer online live as well as offline classes for in-depth studies on PSAT/SAT/SAT 11/AP. We are designed in a way that allows you to have your own pace of learning.

Best of Breed- Our exploration fields include the preparations that are internationally recognized preparation resources. This is done so the learners get in-depth training and all the educational materials that will help them enhance their skills. In this way, they will be able to prepare for tests for international aptitude. We provide materials that will match all the key categories that are there in an examination, to target better on the needs of learners. The specialized set of questions that we provide in our workbooks, enables the student to carve the best preparation way for themselves.

You can get in touch with our team to learn more about the customized packages we provide. You can converse with an expert from our team and they will lead you to all the best and suitable classes that will fit your needs.

SAT Coaching in Ahmedabad

Each student will be provided with our 360-degree approach program. From our end, there will be complete guidance for their career-related decisions, a method of learning, keeping their level of motivation under surveillance, passion for learning, polishing the aspects of their personality.

This process includes mapping without an end to it, the gaping areas get identified, and stepwise improvement. We will be designing the classes according to the results of the evaluation taken at every step.

  1. There will be at least full-length test materials available for the students.
  2. After each class, there will be test taken sub-topic wise.
  3. There will be tests taken according to the topic (Beginner, Medium, Advanced Level) done after the final topic has been covered.
  4. There will be topic wise complete assessments.
  5. Our teachers possess developed test-taking strategies.
  6. We will also provide a special helpline session for the students in need of extra practice.
  7. We will conduct surprise tests on the students who result will be shared by the email as well.
  8. As the interactive mediums, we use Zoom/Webex for online live classes.
  9. We also provide a Test Generation Facility- Which means they get to choose their desired topic, the number of questions they want, and also the difficulty level.
  10. There will be unlimited sessions (Classes are will be customized as per the target dates of the students.)
  11. There will be classes on IELTS/TOEFL too.
  12. We also apply End to End sessions to write with career counseling from experts.
  13. We also work on the development of the personality as well as skills to debate.
  14. Online Live Course – Rs. 35000/-
  1. We provide at least 15 full-length examinations.
  2. There will be tests taken according to the sub-topic.
  3. There will be tests as per the topics that will be taken after the classes are done (Beginner, Medium, Advance level)
  4. We will provide a topic wise complete assessment.
  5. Our teachers have acquired expertise in test-taking ability.
  6. A special helpline session is also available for students who might need some extra attention.
  7. There will be surprise tests too for the students and the results of the same will be emailed by our team.
  8. We generally use Zoom/ Webex for our interactive online live classes.
  9. Test Generation Facility- The students can choose from any topic of their choice, the number of questions they want to attend, and the difficulty level.
  10. We provide unlimited sessions (Designed classes as per the target dates of students are also available)
  11. There will also be classes provided by us until we see the student reaching their potential point.
  12. There will be career counseling sessions too, that will enable the students to choose the right path for their career. Therefore, they can start working on building their profile after choosing their AP subjects.

The prices of the courses that we offer are as under: ONLY PSAT with orientation sessions on AP and SAT 2.

  • The online live group course would amount to ₹35,000/- only
  • One on one sessions would amount to ₹40,000/- only
  • Hybrid courses would amount to ₹50,000/- only
  • Hybrid- one on one session would amount to ₹60,000/- only+ GST

SAT II Coaching in Ahmedabad:

  1. There will be at least 15 full-length test materials available for the students.
  2. After each class, there will be test taken sub-topic wise.
  3. There will be tests taken according to the topic (Beginner, Medium, Advanced Level) done after the final topic has been covered.
  4. There will be topic wise complete assessments.
  5. Our teachers possess developed test-taking strategies.
  6. We will also provide a special helpline session for the students in need of extra practice.
  7. We will conduct surprise tests on the students who result will be shared by the email as well.
  8. As the interactive mediums, we use Zoom/Webex for online live classes.
  9. We also provide a Test Generation Facility- Which means they get to choose their desired topic, the number of questions they want,and the difficulty level.
  10. There will be unlimited sessions (Classes are will be customized as per the target dates of the students).
  11. There will be career counseling sessions too, that will enable the students to choose the right path for their career. Therefore, they can start working on building their profile after choosing their AP subjects.

The prices of the courses that we offer are as under:

  • One on one online live sessions would amount to ₹50,000/- only
  • Hybrid courses would amount to ₹60,000/- only
  • Hybrid- one on one session would amount to ₹70,000/- only + GST

Advanced Placement Coaching in Ahmedabad:

  1. We provide at least 15 full-length examinations.
  2. There will be tests taken according to the sub-topic.
  3. There will be tests as per the topics too after the classes are done (Beginner, Medium, Advance level)
  4. We will provide a topic wise complete assessment.
  5. Our teachers have acquired expertise in test-taking ability.
  6. A special helpline session is also available for students who might need some extra attention.
  7. There will be surprise tests too for the students and the results of the same will be emailed by our team.
  8. We generally use Zoom/ Webex for our interactive online live classes.
  9. Test Generation Facility- The students can choose from any topic of their choice, the number of questions they want to attend, and the difficulty level.
  10. We provide unlimited sessions (Designed classes as per the target dates of students are also available)

The prices of the courses that we offer are as under:

  • One on one sessions would amount to ₹60,000/- only
  • Hybrid- one on one session would amount to ₹80,000/- only + GST

Application Writing | Admission counseling in Ahmedabad

There will be a personalized designed application to mentor that will deal with the student to collect over the aspects of their aspirations and desire. It will also put the focus on their unique strengths, identify the areas that need improvement, and will build a guide-map for a hit application. We will be incorporating the great experience from our team to match the students from the college with universities that will be the “Best Fit” for them. This should be matching their concerned specialization, economical requirements, vicinity choices, and unique personalities.

  1. Presentation of the profile is trained
  2. We provide advice in building the profile.
  3. Matching of the profile is also mentored.
  4. We also guide you to the writing essays, SOPs, LORs.
  5. Also, learn about the application forthe scholarship.
  6. There will visa walkthrough provided.

₹60,000/- + GST (This will enable the students to avail themselves from all of our unlimited applications).



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