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Best SAT Coaching Classes in Sharjah

Overwhelmed with preparation for your exams? Join EduQuest in Sharjah

Students are all wanting to go to prestigious universities and colleges to advance their learning but doing so requires them to go through some rigorous entrance tests. Most students join coaching centers to maximize their chances of success, as they should. But they are so many coaching classes all over the country it is difficult to make the right choice. In this post, we have compiled many reasons and learning methodologiesthat EduQuest follows, so you may have a better idea about our institution. We at EduQuest in Sharjah can boast of tutoring students who have gotten high scores in the ACT and SAT. There is numerous testimonial which can vouch for the authenticity and usefulness of this educational institution. Before going into extensive details, we are giving you a message from the mentors at EduQuest in Sharjah.

Notes from our mentors

Dear learners,

We know that each of you has a mind that is capable of being curious and logical. We shall consider this while providing you instruction for your preparation.  Mentors at EduQuest in Sharjah do a good job of respecting people’s views and their style of learning. We get to know you first before launching into lessons and classes. The most crucial job for a mentor is to understand the student’s position in the learning curve. Then comes the matter of applying the correct learning methodology. The adaptive model of learning is a proven model that has never failed to yield great results everytime. The system adjusts itself to the current ability of the student instead of pressurizing them to learn the same way. Mentors at EduQuest have three levels of teaching.

EduQuest has experience in training students for examinations like SAT, ACT, SAT II, AP, Tuition classes for Board exam assistance. We also provide classes for preparation in NTSE and Olympiads and PSAT. We have been coaching students for a great number of years and students from any board of education can join. It will not be an issue. Our mentors in EduQuest have experience in guiding various types of students effectively. Every student has to go through the preliminary assessment of the “Diagnostic Tests”. It is an important step in the Adaptive model of learning. Doing so will give the mentors an idea on how to design the individual and customized modules for classes. The modules are different for different students and that is the benefit of learning within the Adaptive model. Students can opt for any mode of learning- either online or offline. The instructors at EduQuest can offer advice on matters like application writing, essay writing, and even valuable input on choosing the right college or university. We provide end-to-end service and any student can be taught how to crack the major competitive examinations at EduQuest in Sharjah.

The schools have also requested EduQuest to cooperate with them and conduct seminars. While conducting these programs, the mentors were honored to introduce the students to the 360-degree approach to learning and their applicability in exams like SAT or ACT, or even AP. Even at right this moment, EduQuest is connected to many prestigious schools across the country and we are trying our best to inform students about their choices for the future. EduQuest in Sharjah provides mentorship programs for the following examinations-

  • PSAT
  • SAT
  • SAT II
  • ACT
  • AP
  • Board exam assistance
  • Olympiad
  • NTSE

Students from any board of education can apply to our programs, as there is no restriction. We accept students from boards like- IB, IGSCE, ICSE, CBSE.

Need help in deciding on your career?

Career counseling happens to be a very delicate process. If one can manage to do it right, it would result in great benefits. But if the process of counseling happens to be incorrect, the students could be misguided drastically. Numerous factorsweighin deciding your future career. Things like your personality, interests, hobbies, background, and circumstances, and even your values will have an influence. The whole process of career counseling is supposed to help a student know themselves well enough to make future decisions with confidence.

Career counseling is often confused with just deciding which major you are going to do or what career you should go for. But its scope is greater than that in EduQuest. Life will keep changing along with the prevalent technology and your priorities. Career counseling helps you to make your present decisions, but it also equips you with the necessary skills to make your future life and career decisions. The sessions will consist of psychometric tests, aptitude tests, and numerous one-on-one sessions.

Career Counselling 1

Personality Development

People who have greater self-awareness end up making greater decisions in life. The personality sessions of EduQuest in Sharjah tries to make that the aim. The mentors at EduQuest will try to make the inner as well as the outer personality strong for the students. This is necessary for making the student strong enough to overcome all circumstances.

Personality development is not the same as smart looks or speaking impressively. It is more about emotional maturity. Our sessions on personality development try to make the student emotionally strong so that nothing can bother them that much anymore. They will be adept to handle the numerous failures in life. Graduation needs students to meet a certain standard and that’s where EduQuest comes in. The mentors will prepare the applicant with the help of the nest international practices available as of date. The benefits that will come because of these personality development classes are- increased confidence and enthusiasm in life, building up a zealous outlook and practicing thinking positive thoughts, and taking positive actions in life.

Academics form a large part of your life right now, but that is not the only part of it. Personality development makes you shine in all respects of your life, which is what the best universities and colleges are looking for.

personality development 1


Rest assured, the students at EduQuest will be given unlimited and unmatched coaching.

Programs at EduQuest

Down below, we have given a comprehensive list of the programs offered at EduQuest. The students are expected to follow the Diagnostic test framework, which is the distinctive feature of the 360-degree approach program. The student will have acontinuous mapping of his or her progress throughout the course. We have divided the programs below according to the time element.

Program for five years

In five years, the instructors will prepare the applicants for exams like PSAT, SAT I, SAT II, AP, TOEFL/IELTS, Olympiads, and NTSE. EduQuest even offers Board examination assistance. Students nthe eighth standard should be in this program. The fees will be according to the courses chosen. Refer to the link below-

Program for four years

The syllabus for this program is the same as the program for the five years mentioned above. In this course, the mentors will guide you through PSAT, SAT I, SAT II, AP, TOEFL/IELTS, Olympiads, and NTSE. Students in their ninth standard should opt for this program and the fees will be according to the courses chosen.

Program for three years

The instructors of EduQuest will be able to get you ready for PSAT/SAT/SAT II/AP/TOEFL/IELTS/Olympiads in the courses of three years. Additionally, EduQuest also offers assistance in Board examinations. Students in their 10th standard should go for this course of three years. The fees will be according to the courses chosen.

Program for 2 or 1 year

The staff at EduQuest in Sharjah will prepare the applicant for examinations like The SAT, SAT II, AP, TOEFL/IELTS, Olympiads, and Board exams. This short program is appropriate for students who are studying in the 11th or the 12th standards. Even though the time is not as much as the other longer programs, our instructors are fully equipped to tackle the challenge. The fee for this program will be according to the courses chosen.

Now that is out of the way, we go to the main highlights of our courses. Some of them are listed below.

  1. Every student will have a separate roadmap prepared for them individually. This is the predominant method of coaching in our reputed institution.
  2. The students will have their progress marked in the “step by step” improvement ladder.
  3. Module-based preparation.
  4. The students will be assessed according to the sections and special attention will be given to the improvement areas.
  5. The course will only reach an end when the student has reached their maximum potential.
  6. The online tests are formed with the help of artificial intelligence.
  7. Students can opt for the Test generation facility, which helps them to prepare better.
  8. The diagnostic framework is an important feature of the proven Adaptive model and our staff at EduQuest follow it religiously. Continuous assessment is the strategy that helps our students to achieve success in the long run.
  9. Staff at EduQuest provide extremely through the testing phase.
  10. All the important study materials will be provided by the staff at EduQuest. Students won’t have to worry about materials like books, r videos.



Analysis Class: The very first week will be for the student’s analysis class. This class can be helpful in a group or individually, it depends on the circumstances. That will be followed by the Warm-up tests, which is crucial for us to validate our previous analysis.


Warm-up tests: The results obtained from the warm-up tests or the mapping tests, as they are usually called, will help the instructors at EduQuest to design modules for the students. A customized approach to learning ensures that the modules are designed keeping in mind the weak areas of the student.


Special attention: The instructors at EduQuest are adept in figuring out the weak or the micro-gap areas in a student’s preparation. Then they arrange for several one-on-one sessions so that special attention can be given to those matters. The customization of the courses is important to the learners so that they can perform their best.
There are three groups in which the students are divided into- Platinum, Gold, and Silver. The goal of the instructors at EduQuest is to prepare the students so that they can reach the 1500+ score target level.


Generation of Test: Students can arrange for a test according to their needs. The student can decide on the number of questions, the difficulty level, and the topic of the exam in question.


Full-Length Test papers: Section-wise assessments are always going to be there throughout the course, but the student also has to complete at least 15 full-length tests before the course is completed. The team at EduQuest has almost 5000 papers for this purpose alone.


Additional help: The students will receive extra guidance in respect of profile building, career counseling sessions. The mentors will also arrange for psychometric tests, the results of which are given to the parents of the student.


Taking care of gap areas: Mentors will advise the students on profile-building activities, if and when they identify a gap area in the student’s preparation.


Profile matching: The mentors will do the profile match of the student keeping into consideration the student’s desires and interests. It will be easier to choose from all those different colleges due to this profile-matching process.


Writing assistance: The instructors at EduQuest in Sharjah will be available to help the applicants with things like the writing of essays and LORs.


Last Step: The last step of the courses will be consisting of writing for the scholarship application.

The Expertise of the EduQuest employees

Knowledge of the process

The mentors at EduQuest can boast of having years of experience and thus they are great school-specific insights as well as clear knowledge about the admissions processes. Students at EduQuest have the advantage of being guided by individuals who know their job well. They can close the prevalent cultural gaps and coach the students on their “best-fit” educational institutions.

Customized counseling

Every student features a different way of understanding things. The mentors get the unique profile of each student and guide them likewise. The instructors will help the students identify their options and decide on the future path they want to follow. They will ultimately get the confidence to express their individuality.

Team-based approach

The students at EduQuest do have a dedicated consultant but they also have the support of the larger team. The team will help them in matters like resume building, essay writing, and the conducting of interviews.

Leverage technology

The staff at EduQuest use technology to streamline their processes. Data is collected to derive helpful insights that ultimately help our clients. The institution operates smoothly, no matter where the students are located.

Online Tests (SAT, PSAT, AP, SAT II)

The test series is made with the help of Artificial Intelligence. This results in the inclusion of unique questions which is crucial for the best preparation. EduQuest in Sharjah can assist students in exams like PSAT/SAT/SAT II/AP. The applicants can opt for offline as well as an online mode of classes.

Our institution is known for the application of the best international methods of learning which help our students in achieving high scores in the international admissions tests. If the students want a customized package, it is a good idea to get in touch with the team or talk to an expert.

Below, we have listed some of the features of our courses. After that, the fee structure is mentioned for each course.

360-degree approach- Complete guidance is given. The motivation levels and learning processes are adjusted according to the student. Continuous mapping and improvement step by step are done.

  • Minimum 15 full-length tests
  • Sub-topic wise tests
  • Topic-wise tests
  • Complete assessment topic wise
  • Test-taking strategies
  • Helpline sessions
  • Surprise tests
  • Zoom or Webex for online classes
  • Test generation facility
  • Unlimited sessions

SAT II Coachingin Sharjah

Link for more information:

The prices of the courses:

  • One on one online live sessions – Rs. 50,000/- only
  • Hybrid courses- Rs. 60,000/- only
  • Hybrid- one on one session- 70,000/- only + GST

SAT Coaching in Sharjah

The fee structure is mentioned below.

  • The online live group – Rs. 40,000/- only
  • One on one sessions- 60,000/- only
  • Hybrid group courses- Rs. 50,000/- only
  • Hybrid- one on one session – Rs. 80,000/- only + GST

PSAT Coaching in Sharjah

Link for more information:

The prices of the courses offered: PSAT with the inclusion of orientation sessions on AP and SAT 2.

  • The online live group- Rs. 35,000/- only
  • One on one sessions- Rs. 40,000/- only
  • Hybrid courses- Rs. 50,000/- only
  • Hybrid- one on one- Rs. 60,000/- only + GST

Advanced Placement Coaching in Sharjah

Link for more information:

The fee structure is-

  • One on one sessions- Rs. 60,000/- only
  • Hybrid- one on one session- Rs. 80,000/- only + GST

Admissions Counseling in Sharjah

EduQuest does its best to help students reach their potential and match with the correct universities and colleges. The following points are the highlights of the course.

  • Presentation of skills
  • Profile building
  • Profile matching
  • Writing of essays and SOPs
  • Scholarship application
  • Help in visa

The fee structure: Rs. 60,000 and the number of applications is unlimited.


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