SAT Coaching in Pune
Prepare with EduQuest in Pune for success!
Deciding what to do for the future is a stressful time for all students. If any of you want to get a headstart in planning for your career path, EduQuest is the best choice for you. Starting from the best mentors who use proven international practices to Artificial Intelligence generated online tests, EduQuest has been helping students reach for their dreams. It has been guiding learners for a long time and the results have been remarkable, to say the least. There are a lot of things to consider while trying to get into a foreign college or university, so our counseling sessions will also provide much-needed insights. Before starting in on the methods and courses at EduQuest, we would like to begin with a message from our mentors.
Note from the Mentors at EduQuest in Pune
Dear aspirants,
We realize that every student is capable in his or her way, and we incorporate that into our training. Each of us is indeed gifted with a sharp and curious mind, and the only thing left is to learn how to utilize it. Many of us have been discouraged at school because we fell behind in our academics. In EduQuest, the unique learning style of the student is taken into consideration while teaching them. The mentors at EduQuest have many one-on-one sessions to realize where the student’s position is to the learning curve.
In all our years of guiding the students, the best way of teaching appears to be the Adaptive model. As the name suggests, the Adaptive mode of learning takes the standard lessons and makes it such that the individual needs of the student are taken care of. The standard methods of our education system serve “one size fits all” methods of learning and as a result, some of the students who learn and understand differently get left behind.
That’s no reason to assume that you cannot get into a great university abroad. The mentors of EduQuest will make sure that you reach your goal. We have decided that there are generally three levels of teaching and we list them below for your ease-
Conceptual clarity- Mentors at EduQuest in Pune do not believe in mugging up notes and giving the exam. It is crucial to understand the concepts behind every topic that is being taught. A student needs to grasp the logical reasoning behind the lessons that are taught in class.
After getting the concepts and understanding them, it is required that the students apply those concepts to the questions. The aim is to reach a level of 100% accuracy and maintain that.
Efficiency is a must for students. Exams are generally a race against time and students need to learn how to manage their time efficiently.
EduQuest in Pune has experience in guiding students for examinations like PSAT, SAT I, SAT II, AP, ACT, and even Board examinations and Olympiads. Students can take a try on our extensive SAT coaching and training at EduQuest and they will not be disappointed. EduQuest has been in these professions for a long time, and almost all or students sitting for the major examinations have found success. We have had various levels of students and have beensuccessful in making them learn in such a way that makes them understand. First of all, the students undergo a diagnostic test when they enroll in EduQuest and the results for this test help the instructors to design the customized modules. No two are the same because the Adaptive framework considers your weaknesses. Students can opt for online live classes as wellas offline classes. This flexibility helps them save valuable time. The mentors at EduQuest do not stop at training for the target examinations, they also offer great advice on application writing and essay writing. On top of that, they will also guide you in your choice of the right university. SAT live coaching and AP live coaching are useful and aspirants should give them a try.
EduQuest has been so successful in guiding students that schools in Pune have invited EduQuest to conduct seminars and counseling sessions. The mentors got a chance to introduce the students to the extensive 360-degree program for SAT coaching and AP coaching. Many were interested in studying abroad and were glad to get guidance in that matter. Even right now, EduQuest is connected with many prestigious schools around the country and we have been successful in introducing the 360-degree program and making people understand the substantial benefits. To sum up, his mentors at EduQuest can help you with examinations like-
- AP
- Board Exams
- Olympiads
- Support in application issues.
Advance in the right way!
What are some of the factors that can influence you to choose your career?
- Interests and hobbies
- Personality
- Family background
- Values
- Circumstances
Mentors at EduQuest understand all of that and know-how to guide you in making the right choices. Everyone knows that when career counseling is done wrong, it results in great harm in the student’s life, so I am not an easy job by any means. Mentors in Pune will assist the learns how t know themselves better and make the correct life choices.
Career counseling is no doubt related to your job, but it is indeed more than that. It is not just about what major you will take a couple of years from now. Life keeps on changing and as a result, our priorities will also change. At this point, a learner does not only need a career guide but mentors who know how to make the person knowledgeable about future careers and circumstances. Present matters but you also will need to understand how to tackle the long-run issues. Career counseling sessions often use tools like
- Aptitude Tests
- Psychometric Tests
- One-to-one discussions
This will help the mentors make decisions effectively.
Personality Development needed? Know what it means
What comes to mind when you think about personality development sessions? Is it Time management? Or perhaps it is Goal Setting?
These things are indeed a part of personality development but not the end of it. From our experience, we have seen that people make certain assumptions about personality development classes. We list then below-
“Personality development is about dressing better”. “It is about speaking impressively and appearing smart in front of others”.
These are not quite whatpersonality sessions are all about. The aim of these sessions in the Pune branch fo EduQuest is-
Make the outer and inner personality of applicants strong enough so that they can tackle any circumstances in the future.
So personality development is not about smart looks only. It is also about being emotionally mature so that nothing can bother you. Failures should not be able to upset you for a long time. Students need to be emotionally mature when they go off to universities and colleges, especially in another country. Mentos at EduQuest in Pune make sure that the applicant can reach that level of standards that the institutions expect from the freshmen. International practices are used in these sessions and they provide long-run benefits to all who attend them. The goals of sessions revolve around building up confidence and enhancing enthusiasm in life. The students should possess a zealous outlook and imbibe positivity in both their thoughts and actions.
Personality development is needed because academics is only part of the picture. The students need to improve in all spheres to live a well-rounded life.
If you are interested in pursuing academics abroad, you might have noted that there are many tuition and coaching centers for these sorts of exams. It is indeed difficult to decide on one. We have made a chart for you to grasp the differences and advantages of EduQuest in Pune. It will help you make the correct choice.
Programs and their types
The complete mentorship programs available in Pune can be categorized by the amount of time it takes to complete them. The students can join a program, no matter what Class they are currently studying in.
5-year program:
The students who are currently studying in Class 8 can join this program at EduQuest in Pune. We can prepare the candidate for examinations like PSAT, SAT I, SAT II, AP, TOEFL/IELTS, Board examinations, NTSE, and Olympiads.(fees will be according to the courses chosen) –
4 years:
The same examinations are covered in the program for four years at EduQuest. Students who are already in Class 9 should hurry up and join our comprehensive program.(fees will be according to the courses chosen) –
3 years:
The program for three years at EduQuest is for learners in Class 10 and they can join this one to prepare for examinations like PSAT, SAT I, SAT II, AP, TOEFL/IRLETS, NTSE, Olympiads, and so on.(fees will be according to the courses chosen) –
2 years:
Shorter programs for three years are also available at EduQuest in Pune, where a similar kind of curriculum is covered. Students in Class 11 can opt for this one and they can prep for target examinations like SAT I, SAT II, AP, TOEFL/IELTS, Olympiads, and Board exams.
1 years:
There are even opportunities for students of Class 12 who haven’t joined anywhere. The short one year program aims at SAT I, SAT II, AP, TOEFL/IELTS, Olympiads, Board exams.
Main characteristics and highlights about courses at EduQuest
The main focus is on the methodology of the 360-degree approach. Adaptive learning has the requirements of od diagnostic testing. At every step of the way, the learner’s progress is judged and mentors evaluate their learning curve and make modules based on that information. Thus, every moment resultsinthe continuous mapping of progress done by the student.
Below, we have made some highlights of the courses at EduQuest in Pune. Go through all of them to get a better idea.
- The mentors at EduQuest make a roadmap for every student and this practice results in better coaching.
- There is a construction of a step-wise improvement ladder. The results of which are noted down in the student’s sheet.
- The preparation is done by modules.
- Every section is assessed and special attention is given to areas of improvement.
- The course will not abruptly end when the syllabus is done, instead of that the course ends when the student reaches his or her potential.
- Artificial Intelligence helps in constructing tests.
- Test Generation facility
- An adaptive model is followed which requires diagnostic coaching and needs continuous evaluation.
- Through the testing phase
- Books and all other required materials are provided by the instructors at EduQuest.
The first week – the very first seven days will be termed as the Student’s Analysis class. These classes might be in a group or they can be held individually too. After the analysis classes, students generally must sit for a warm-up test so that EduQuest can validate the previous analysis.Subjective and objective approach will be adopted.
Warm-up Test- The warm-up tests and their results are important because they help the mentors at EduQuest in making better modules for preparation. The weak or gap areas of the learner are taken into consideration while building the lesson plans.
Micro-Gap areas- The weak areas of the student are not taken lightly and mentors make sure that there are enough one-on-one sessions for the students to get the hang of the syllabus completely. All of the students at EduQuest are put into three groups according to the position in their learning curves. • Platinum • Gold • Silver The target of the mentors is to make the students reach the goal of getting a 1500+ score in their target examinations.
Generation of Test- This point cannot be stressed enough. The liberty of the students in arranging the topic and the difficulty level of the exam is beneficial for their effective preparation.
Test Papers- All the enrolled students at EduQuest are required to finish off at least 15 tests which are based on the entire syllabus. EduQuest has a stock of almost 5000 papers for this purpose.
Additional advice- the mentors are always ready for helping the applicants in matters of profile assessments, application writing, and career counseling. Psychometric tests are administered and the results are shared with the respective guardians.
Profile – The students will be instructed on how to correct their gaps in the profile.
Profile matching- The students are assisted in the making of choices for the universities, as the mentors help to match their profiles.
Extra help- the EduQuest instructors at Pune do a great job of helping the students in their essay writing and LOR
Last Steps- The last step is writing the scholarship application.
What shows the expertise of our mentors?
Our mentors have extensive knowledge in admission processes and are experts at career counseling. The students are educated through a team-based approach and the staff at EduQuest is adept at using technology to guide their decision making.
International admissions processes can be tricky. Instead of trying to navigate the maze on you’re your, it is beneficial for the students to take the help of experts at EduQuest in Pune. Years of experience have made sure that they have school-specific insights.
Every applicant has different strengths and weaknesses so our program attends to each of them individually through customized counseling sessions.
Even though the student will have the guidance of a dedicated individual counselor, the students also get the support of the entire EduQuest team. The team takes care of things like essay writing and application improvements. They even assist you in choosing the right institutions.
The instructors at EduQuest always use data-driven methodologies to complete their tasks. The insights derived from data is used so that the students have a better learning process. To streamline processes, technology is a must.
Get ready for Online Tests
As you know by now, EduQuest offers the option for online as well as offline approaches to courses. Examinations like PSAT, SAT, SAT II, AP can be prepared for through classroom learning or online live classes. There are a few common points for all of our courses and they are listed below.
Fee Structure for SAT Coaching in Pune
- The online live group course would amount to ₹40,000/- only
- One on one sessions would amount to ₹60,000/- only
- Hybrid group courses would amount to ₹50,000/- only
- Hybrid- one on one session would amount to ₹80,000/- only + GST
PSAT Coaching in Pune –
The prices of the courses that we offer are as under: ONLY PSAT with orientation sessions on AP and SAT 2.
- The online live group course would amount to ₹35,000/- only
- One on one sessions would amount to ₹40,000/- only
- Hybrid courses would amount to ₹50,000/- only
- Hybrid- one on one session would amount to ₹60,000/- only + GST
SAT II Coaching in Pune –
- The prices of the courses that we offer are as under:
- One on one online live sessions would amount to ₹50,000/- only
- Hybrid courses would amount to ₹60,000/- only
- Hybrid- one on one session would amount to ₹70,000/- only + GST
Advance Placement Coaching in Pune –
The prices of the courses that we offer are as under:
- One on one sessions would amount to ₹60,000/- only
- Hybrid- one on one session would amount to ₹80,000/- only + GST
Application Writing
There is a lot to be done in this course by EduQuest in Pune. Students get guidance on profile presentation, profile building, profile matching, and even scholarship application. Things like visas and writing of essays are also discussed.
The fee for this course is ₹60,000/- + GST